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Positive results of the Japanese drug "Avigan" for treating patients with # Corona

The Japanese group "Fujifilm" announced today, Wednesday, that the drug "Avigan", which it developed and was originally ...

The Japanese group "Fujifilm" announced today, Wednesday, that the drug "Avigan", which it developed and was originally licensed to treat severe forms of influenza, has allowed a significant reduction in the recovery time for people with Coronavirus. Fujifilm Holdings Corp. said on Monday that it has finished postponed clinical trial of Avigan, a possible treatment for COVID-19, preparing for the use of deals and creation of the antivirus drug.

Of the 156 patients who participated in the third phase of the clinical trials that were conducted in Japan, the average recovery time was 11.9 days for those treated with Avigan and 14.7 days for those given a placebo, the group said in a statement.

The clinical trial focused on patients with non-severe pneumonia associated with the Covid-19 epidemic.

The "Fujifilm" group said that the trial, which was conducted since March and has now ended, did not reveal any new health risk associated with taking "Avigan".

The group will now conduct a "detailed analysis of the data" gathered during this experiment, and is planning to apply for a commercial permit in Japan to treat people with coronavirus "starting in October."

The drug "Avigan", which is taken orally, has been licensed since 2014 in Japan, but only to treat severe cases of influenza that traditional medicines have proven ineffective in controlling.

However, pregnant women are not advised to take the drug "Avigan", as animal studies have shown that it affects fetal development.

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